Quantum Science at Heriot-Watt
Our lab is part of the Institute of Photonics and Quantum Science (IPAQS). Home not only to quantum but also to ultrafast laser and laser-based manufacturing research, IPAQS provides a full quantum photonics pipeline, from the supply chain — ultrafast lasers, nano-fabrication, semiconductor optoelectronics, etc. — to quantum technology research and its applications in industry.
The HW quantum team plays an active role in the UK’s national Quantum Technology agenda. We currently host three Quantum Technology Fellows, and nodes for two out of the four national Quantum Technology hubs — QuantIC and the Quantum Communications Hub.
HW Quantum Research groups:
Erika Andersson
Single-photon Group, Gerald Buller
EMQL, Yours Truly
Quantum Technology | Theory, Erik Gauger
Quantum Photonics Laboratory, Brian Gerardot
Experimental Quantum Optics Group, Jonathan Leach
Adrian Kantian
BBQ Lab, Mehul Malik
Quantum Optics and Cold Atoms, Patrik Ohberg