Thomas Jaeken, Alexander Pickston, Faris Redza, Thomas Jennewein & Alessandro Fedrizzi
Emulation of satellite up-link quantum communication with entangled photons arXiv preprint arXiv:2502.03556
Natalia Herrera Valencia, Annameng Ma, Suraj Goel, Saroch Leedumrongwatthanakun, Francesco Graffitti, Alessandro Fedrizzi, Will McCutcheon & Mehul Malik
A Large-Scale Reconfigurable Multiplexed Quantum Photonic Network arXiv preprint arXiv:2501.07272 (2025)
Joseph Ho, Jonathan W. Webb, Russell M. J. Brooks, Federico Grasselli, Erik Gauger & Alessandro Fedrizzi
Quantum-private distributed sensing arXiv:2410.00970
Fabrizio Chiriano, Christopher L Morrison, Joseph Ho, Thomas Jaeken & Alessandro Fedrizzi
Purifying quantum-dot light in a coherent frequency interface Quantum Science and Technology 10, 015004 (2024)
Andrés Ulibarrena, Jonathan W. Webb, Alexander Pickston, Joseph Ho, Alessandro Fedrizzi & Alejandro Pozas-Kerstjens
Guarantees on the structure of experimental quantum networks npj Quantum Information 10, 117 (2024)
Jonathan W. Webb, Joseph Ho, Federico Grasselli, Gláucia Murta, Alexander Pickston, Andrés Ulibarrena, Alessandro Fedrizzi
Experimental anonymous quantum conferencing Optica 11, 872-875 (2024)
Andres Ulibarrena, Alejandro Sopena, Russell Brooks, Daniel Centeno, Joseph Ho, German Sierra, Alessandro Fedrizzi
Photonic Implementation of the Quantum Morra Game Phys. Rev. Research 6, 023248 (2024)
Tommaso Faleo, Eric Brunner, Jonathan W. Webb, Alexander Pickston, Joseph Ho, Gregor Weihs, Andreas Buchleitner, Christoph Dittel, Gabriel Dufour, Alessandro Fedrizzi & Robert Keil
Entanglement-induced collective many-body interference Science Advances 10, eadp9030 (2024)
Fabrizio Chiriano, Joseph Ho, Christopher L. Morrison, Jonathan W. Webb, Alexander Pickston, Francesco Graffitti & Alessandro Fedrizzi
Hyper-entanglement between pulse modes and frequency bins Optics Express 31, 35131-35142 (2023)
Christopher L. Morrison, Roberto G. Pousa, Francesco Graffitti, Zhe Xian Koong, Peter Barrow, Nick G. Stoltz, Dirk Bouwmeester, John Jeffers, Daniel K. L. Oi, Brian D. Gerardot & Alessandro Fedrizzi
Single-emitter quantum key distribution over 175 km of fiber with optimised finite key rates Nature Communications 14, 3573 (2023)
Alexander Pickston, Joseph Ho, Andrés Ulibarrena, Federico Grasselli, Massimiliano Proietti, Christopher L. Morrison, Peter Barrow, Francesco Graffitti & Alessandro Fedrizzi
Conference key agreement in a quantum network npj Quantum Information 9, 82 (2023)
Jonathan W. Webb, Ittoop V. Puthoor, Joseph Ho, Jonathan Crickmore, Emma Blakely, Alessandro Fedrizzi & Erika Andersson
Experimental demonstration of optimal unambiguous two-out-of-four quantum state elimination Physical Review Research 5, 023094 (2023).
Christopher L. Morrison, Francesco Graffitti, Peter Barrow, Alexander Pickston, Joseph Ho & Alessandro Fedrizzi
Frequency-bin entanglement from domain-engineered down-conversion APL Photonics 7, 066102 (2022)
Berke Vow Ricketti, Erik M Gauger, Alessandro Fedrizzi
The coherence time of sunlight in the context of natural and artificial light-harvesting Scientific Reports 12, 5438 (2022)
Joseph Ho, George Moreno, Samuraí Brito, Francesco Graffitti, Christopher L. Morrison, Ranieri Nery, Alexander Pickston, Massimiliano Proietti, Rafael Rabelo, Alessandro Fedrizzi & Rafael Chaves
Entanglement-based quantum communication complexity beyond Bell nonlocality npj Quantum Information 8, 13 (2022)
Massimiliano Proietti, Joseph Ho, Federico Grasselli, Peter Barrow, Mehul Malik & Alessandro Fedrizzi
Experimental quantum conference key agreement Science Advances 7, eabe0395 (2021)
Christopher L. Morrison, Markus Rambach, Zhe Xian Koong, Francesco Graffitti, Fiona Thorburn, Ajoy K. Kar, Yong Ma, Suk-In Park, Jin Dong Song, Nick G. Stoltz, Dirk Bouwmeester, Alessandro Fedrizzi & Brian D. Gerardot
A bright source of telecom single photons based on quantum frequency conversion Appl. Phys. Lett. 118, 174003 (2021)
Ross Donaldson, Dmytro Kundys, Aurora Maccarone, Robert Henderson, Gerald S. Buller & Alessandro Fedrizzi
Towards combined quantum bit detection and spatial tracking using an arrayed single-photon sensor Optics Express 29, 8181-8198 (2021)
Alexander Pickston, Francesco Graffitti, Peter Barrow, Christopher Morrison, Joseph Ho, Agata M. Brańczyk & Alessandro Fedrizzi
Optimised Domain-engineered Crystals for Pure Telecom Photon Sources Optics Express, 29, 6991-7002 (2021)
Francesco Graffitti, Vincenzo D'Ambrosio, Massimiliano Proietti, Joseph Ho, Bruno Piccirillo, Corrado de Lisio, Lorenzo Marrucci & Alessandro Fedrizzi
Hyperentanglement in structured quantum light Phys. Rev. Research 2, 043350 (2020)
D. Kundys, A. Cascales, A. S. Makhort, H. Majjad, F. Chevrier, B. Doudin, A. Fedrizzi & B. Kundys
Optically rewritable memory in a graphene/ferroelectric-photovoltaic heterostructure Physical Review Applied 13, 064034 (2020).
Francesco Graffitti, Peter Barrow, Alexander Pickston, Agata M Brańczyk & Alessandro Fedrizzi
Direct generation of tailored pulse-mode entanglement Phys. Rev. Lett. 124, 053603 (2020)
Dmytro Kundys, Francesco Graffitti, Richard A McCracken, Alessandro Fedrizzi & Bohdan Kundys
Numerical Study of Reconfigurable Mid‐IR Single Photon Sources Based on Functional Ferroelectrics Advanced Quantum Technologies 3, 1900092 (2020)
Francesco Graffitti, Alexander Pickston, Peter Barrow, Massimiliano Proietti, Dmytro Kundys, Denis Rosset, Martin Ringbauer & Alessandro Fedrizzi
Measurement-Device-Independent Verification of Quantum Channels Physical Review Letters 124, 010503 (2020)
Massimiliano Proietti, Martin Ringbauer, Francesco Graffitti, Peter Barrow, Alexander Pickston, Dmytro Kundys, Daniel Cavalcanti, Leandro Aolita, Rafael Chaves & Alessandro Fedrizzi
Enhanced Multiqubit Phase Estimation in Noisy Environments by Local Encoding Physical Review Letters 123, 180503 (2019)
Massimiliano Proietti, Alexander Pickston, Francesco Graffitti, Peter Barrow, Dmytro Kundys, Cyril Branciard, Martin Ringbauer & Alessandro Fedrizzi
Experimental test of local observer independence Science Advances 5, eaaw9832 (2019)
A. Boccolini, A. Fedrizzi & D. Faccio
Ghost imaging with the human eye Optics Express 27, 9258-9265 (2019).
Václav Potoček, Alan P. Reynolds, Alessandro Fedrizzi & David W. Corne
Multi-objective evolutionary algorithms for quantum circuit discovery arXiv:1812.04458
R. McCracken, F. Graffitti & A. Fedrizzi
Numerical investigation of mid-infrared single-photon generation JOSA B 35, C38-C48 (2018)
F. Graffitti, J. Kelly-Massicotte, A. Fedrizzi & A. Branczyk
Design considerations for high-purity heralded single photon sources Phys. Rev. A, 98, 053811 (2018)
M. Ringbauer, T. R. Bromley, M. Cianciaruso, S. Lau, G. Adesso, A. G. White, A. Fedrizzi & Marco Piani
Certification and Quantification of Multilevel Quantum Coherence Phys. Rev. X 8, 041007 (2018)
M. Ringbauer, F. Costa, M. E. Goggin, A. G. White & A. Fedrizzi
Multi-time quantum correlations with no spatial analogue npj Quantum Information 4, 37 (2018)
F. Costa, M. Ringbauer, M. E. Goggin, A. G. White & A. Fedrizzi
A Unifying Framework for spatial and temporal quantum correlations Phys. Rev. A 98, 012328 (2018)
F. Graffitti, P. Barrow, M. Proietti, D. Kundys & A. Fedrizzi
Independent high-purity photons created in domain-engineered crystals Optica 5, 514-517 (2018)
F. Graffitti, D. Kundys, D. T. Reid, A. Branczyk & A. Fedrizzi
Pure down-conversion photons through sub-coherence length domain engineering IOP Quantum Science and Technology 2, 035001 (2017).
M. Ringbauer, C. Giarmatzi, R. Chaves, F. Costa, A. G. White & A. Fedrizzi
Experimental test of non-local causality Science Advances 2, e1600162 (2016)
D. N. Biggerstaff, R. Heilmann, A. A. Zecevik, M. Gräfe, M. A. Broome, A. Fedrizzi, S. Nolte, A. Szameit, A. G. White & I. Kassal
Enhancing quantum transport in a photonic network using controllable decoherence Nature Communications 7, 11282 (2016)
T. Meany, D. N. Biggerstaff, M. A. Broome, A. Fedrizzi, M. Delanty, A. Gilchrist, G. D. Marshall, M. J. Steel, A. G. White & M. Withford
Engineering integrated photonics for heralded quantum gates Scientific Reports 6, 25126 (2016)
M. Ringbauer, C. J. Wood, K. Modi, A. Gilchrist, A. G. White & A. Fedrizzi
Characterizing quantum dynamics with initial system-environment correlations Physical Review Letters 114, 090402 (2015)
M. Ringbauer, B. Duffus, C. Branciard, E. G. Cavalcanti, A. G. White & A. Fedrizzi
Measurements on the reality of the wavefunction Nature Physics 11, 249-254 (2015)
M. Ringbauer, A. Fedrizzi, D. W. Berry & A. G. White
Information causality in the quantum and post-quantum regime Scientific Reports 4, 6955 (2014)
M. de Almeida, M. Gu, A. Fedrizzi, M. A. Broome, T. C. Ralph & A. G. White
Entanglement-free certification of entangling gates Physical Review A 89, 042323 (2014)
M. Ringbauer, D. N. Biggerstaff, M. A. Broome, A. Fedrizzi, C. Branciard & A. G. White
Experimental joint quantum measurements with minimum uncertainty Physical Review Letters 112, 020401 (2014)
A. Fedrizzi, M. Zuppardo, G. G. Gillett, M. A. Broome, M. de Almeida, M. Paternostro, A. G. White & T. Paterek
Experimental distribution of entanglement with separable carriers Physical Review Letters 111, 230504 (2013)
S. Rahimi-Keshari, M. A. Broome, R. Fickler, A. Fedrizzi, T. C. Ralph & A. G. White
Direct characterization of any linear photonic device Optics Express 21, 13450-13458 (2013)
J. Lavoie, J. M. Donohue, L. G. Wright, A. Fedrizzi & K. J. Resch
Spectral compression of single photons Nature Photonics 7, 363-366 (2013)
M. A. Broome, A. Fedrizzi, S. Rahimi-Keshari, J. Dove, S. Aaronson, T. C. Ralph & A. G. White
Photonic Boson Sampling in a Tunable Circuit Science 339 794-798 (2013)
X-S. Ma, J. Kofler, A. Qarry, N. Tetik, T. Scheidl, R. Ursin, S. Ramelow, T. Herbst, L. Ratschbacher, A. Fedrizzi, T. Jennewein & A. Zeilinger
Quantum erasure with causally disconnected choice Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 110, 1221-1226 (2013)
T. Kitagawa, M. A. Broome, A. Fedrizzi, M. S. Rudner, E. Berg, I. Kassal, A. Aspuru-Guzik, E. Demler & A. G. White
Observation of topologically protected bound states in photonic quantum walks Nature Communications 3, 882 (2012)
S. Ramelow, A. Fedrizzi, A. Poppe, N. K. Langford & A. Zeilinger
Polarization-entanglement-conserving frequency conversion of photons Physical Review A 85, 013845 (2012)
P. P. Rohde, A. Fedrizzi & T. C. Ralph
Entanglement dynamics and quasi-periodicity in discrete quantum walks Journal of Modern Optics 59, 710-720 (2012).
D. H. Smith, G. G. Gillett, M. P. Almeida, C. Branciard, A. Fedrizzi, T. J. Weinhold, A. Lita, B. Calkins, T. Gerrits, S-W. Nam & A. G. White
Conclusive quantum steering with superconducting transition edge sensors Nature Communications 3, 625 (2012)
M. A. Broome, M. P. Almeida, A. Fedrizzi & A. G. White
Reducing multi-photon rates in pulsed down-conversion via temporal multiplexing Optics Express 19, 22698–22708 (2011)
J. O. Owens, M. A. Broome, D. N. Biggerstaff, M. E. Goggin, A. Fedrizzi, T. Linjordet, M. Ams, G. D. Marshall, J. Twamley, M. J. Withford & A. G. White
Two-photon quantum walks in an elliptical direct-write waveguide array New Journal of Physics 13, 075003 (2011)
A. Fedrizzi, M. P. Almeida, M. A. Broome, A. G. White & M. Barbieri
Hardy’s paradox and violation of a state-independent Bell inequality in time Physical Review Letters 106, 200402 (2011)
A. Fedrizzi, B. Skerlak, T. Paterek, M. P. de Almeida & A. G. White
Experimental information complementarity of two-qubit states New Journal of Physics 13, 053038 (2011)
A. Shabani, R. L. Kosut, M. Mohseni, H. Rabitz, M. A. Broome, M. P. Almeida, A. Fedrizzi & A. G. White
Efficient measurement of quantum dynamics via compressive sensing Physical Review Letters 106, 100401 (2011)
A. M. Brańczyk, A. Fedrizzi, T. C. Ralph & A. G. White
Engineered optical nonlinearity for quantum light sources Optics Express 19, 55-65 (2011)
T. Scheidl, R. Ursin, J. Kofler, S. Ramelow, X-S. Ma, T. Herbst, L. Ratschbacher, A. Fedrizzi, N. K. Langford, T. Jennewein & A. Zeilinger
Violation of local realism with freedom of choice Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences (PNAS), doi: 10.1073/pnas.1002780107, (2010)
S. Ramelow, A. Fedrizzi, A. M. Steinberg & A. G. White
Matchgate quantum computing and non-local process analysis New Journal of Physics 12, 083027 (2010)
H. Hübel, D. R. Hamel, A. Fedrizzi, S. Ramelow, K. J. Resch and T. Jennewein
Direct generation of photon triplets using cascaded photon pair sources Nature 466, 601-603 (2010)
E. Meyer-Scott, H. Hübel, A. Fedrizzi, C. Erven, G. Weihs, and T. Jennewein
Quantum entanglement distribution with 810 nm photons through telecom fibers Applied Physics Letters 97, 031117 (2010).
M. A. Broome, A. Fedrizzi, B. P. Lanyon, I. Kassal, A. Aspuru-Guzik & A. G. White
Discrete single-photon quantum walks with tunable decoherence Physical Review Letters 104, 153602 (2010).
S. Ramelow, L. Ratschbacher, A. Fedrizzi, N. K. Langford & A. Zeilinger
Discrete, tunable color entanglement Physical Review Letters 103, 253601 (2009).
A. Fedrizzi, T. Herbst, M. Aspelmeyer, M. Barbieri, T. Jennewein & A. Zeilinger
Anti-symmetrisation reveals hidden entanglement New Journal of Physics 11, 103052 (2009)
M. Peev, C. Pacher, T. Loruenser, M. Noelle, A. Poppe, O. Maurhardt, M. Suda, A. Fedrizzi, R. Ursin & A. Zeilinger
Response to ‘Vulnerability of ‘A novel protocol-authentication algorithm ruling out a man-in-the-middle attack in quantum cryptography” International Journal of Quantum Information 7, 1401–1407 (2009)
T. Scheidl, R. Ursin, A. Fedrizzi, S. Ramelow, X. S. Ma, T. Herbst, R. Prevedel, L. Ratschbacher, J. Kofler, T. Jennewein & A. Zeilinger
Feasibility of 300 km quantum key distribution with entangled states New Journal of Physics 11, 085002 (2009).
A. Fedrizzi, R. Ursin, T. Herbst, M. Nespoli, R. Prevedel, T. Scheidl, F. Tiefenbacher, T. Jennewein & A. Zeilinger
High-fidelity transmission of entanglement over a high-loss freespace channel Nature Physics 5, 389–392 (2009).
R. Ursin et al.
Space-QUEST: Experiments with quantum entanglement in space arxiv:0806.0945 (2008).
T. Paterek, A. Fedrizzi, S. Groeblacher, T. Jennewein, M. Zukowski, M. Aspelmeyer & A. Zeilinger
Experimental test of nonlocal realistic theories without the rotational symmetry assumption Physical Review Letters 99, 210406 (2007).
A. Fedrizzi, T. Herbst, A. Poppe, T. Jennewein & A. Zeilinger
A wavelength-tunable, fiber-coupled source of narrowband entangled photons Optics Express 15, 15377–15386 (2007).
K. J. Resch, M. Lindenthal, B. Blauensteiner, H. R. Boehm, A. Fedrizzi, C. Kurtsiefer, A. Poppe, T. Schmitt-Manderbach, M. Taraba, R. Ursin, P. Walther, H. Weier, H. Weinfurter & A. Zeilinger
Distributing entanglement and single photons through an intra-city, free-space quantum channel Optics Express 13, 202–209 (2005).
M. Peev, M. Noelle, O. Maurhardt, T. Lorünser, M. Suda, A. Poppe, R. Ursin, A. Fedrizzi & A. Zeilinger
A novel protocol-authentication algorithm ruling out a man-in-the-middle attack in quantum cryptography International Journal of Quantum Information 3, 225–231 (2004).
A. Poppe, A. Fedrizzi, R. Ursin, H. R. Boehm, T. Loruenser, O. Maurhardt, M. Peev, T. Suda, C. Kurtsiefer, H. Weinfurter, T. Jennewein & A. Zeilinger
Practical quantum key distribution with polarization-entangled photons Optics Express 12, 3865 (2004)